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Interwell's Insert Valve Carrier (IVC)

Insert Valve Carrier

The IVC avoids recompletion and reduces cost by allowing retrofitting of Wireline Retrievable Sub Surface Safety Valves in damaged Downhole Safety Valve nipples. The anchoring mechanism’s design and construction enables the use of standard locking profile or slips mechanism when the existing profile is damaged.
Interwell's Insert Valve Carrier (IVC)


  • Expandable seals
  • Profiles-independent version also available
  • The system is run on wireline/slickline and retrieved on standard GS retrieving tools
  • Avoids recompletion and reduces cost by allowing retrofitting of Wireline Retrievable Sub Surface Safety Valves in damaged Downhole Safety Valve nipples 
  • Designed to fit existing valve profile and can be installed either by standard locking profile or by using slip mechanism

For more information please contact your local sales department

View related case studies:

Non-workover solution for damaged SVLN bores; 6 years of uninterrupted production through Interwell IVC

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Insert Valve Carrier without use of existing safety lock profile

First run IVC in Middle East

Bespoke IVC Systems in Australia

Retrofitting Insert Valve Carrier prevents expensive workover

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